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Hotel Solvay by Victor Horta is a museum as of today!

In 1894 this most prestigious Art Nouveau mansion along the fancy Avenue Louise in Brussels was designed and built by Victor Horta. The house was commissioned by Armand Solvay, the son of Ernest Solvay who founded in 1863 with his brother Albert, the Solvay chemical company.

This house is a real "Gesamtkunstwerk" where Horta, next to the building, designed every element including the furniture, lightning, carpets, tableware etc.. The Belgian pointillist, Théo van Rysselberghe, member of the artistic circle Les XX, decorated the staircase.

This Unesco World Heritage classified mansion, together with Hotel Tassel, Hotel van Eetvelde and Mansion & Atelier Horta, represent some of the most remarkable Art Nouveau works of architecture in the world.

Later in his career, Victor Horta, embraced the Art Deco architecture and designed iconic public buildings like the Bozar Palace for Fine Arts and the Central Station.

Brussels, major capital of Art Nouveau and Art Deco!


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